

3 Crucial Online Marketing Predictions for 2013!

15 януари 2013

What might 2013 bring for marketers?

1. Mobile advertising revolution

Mobile advertising exploded in 2012. Facebook generates now more than $3 million per day from mobile ads and as consumers continue to spend more time and money on mobile devices, advertising spends will only continue to skyrocket. In fact, e-Marketer expects mobile ads to increasingly become the top priority for advertisers on digital, rather than desktop.

2. The evolution of Banner Ads

Brands and publishers are trying to come up with new and creative ways to innovate on banner ads. For example, a clever promotion squeezed all of one store's products into a tiny 300X250 pixel banner ad and let users scroll over and zoom in on different items. Other brands experimented with banner ads that could be pinned directly to Pinterest. These efforts show there is still room for innovation.

3. Engagement beats off likers & followers

Having more fans or followers on social networks doesn't necessarily mean having greater engagement. In fact, some recent studies suggest that the opposite is often the case. Recent researches have clearly shown that engagement tended to drop off for brands with more followers. This means that more brands will have to re-focus their emphasis on engagement metrics beyond the number of likes and followers.

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